Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Kai

Kai turned 32 last week!!  We had a simple and small party with just family because it was a work day.    

Kasen thinks all candles are meant for him.
We had to cover his mouth while we sang to Kai so he wouldn't blow out all the candles.  
Thankfully Daddy didn't mind a little help...
...and family didn't mind a little extra slobber... ;-P

 ...just to make him proud!
Yum!  Baby K and I aren't pictured, but I have some cute ones of him coming!  

Monday, May 9, 2011


Fast friends.
Making mischief.
Bubbles + Dirt = Mud 
Mud is every boy's dream come true!

Kill shot with a squirt gun!

Can't imagine a day without a few sticks.

  Swinging with an awesome uncle.
Flying a kite with the world's best dad.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wuv Woo

Had to share something that has brightened my last several days:

Lately K has started the cutest thing with his little brother.  He'll come up to Baby K, kiss him on the cheek, and say, "I love you Baby" (which sounds like: "I wuv woo baby").  If you can guess, I completely melt when I witness this and am so grateful that the transition from only child to older brother has gone so smoothly so far.  He truly does love his little brother and this has been evidenced in the little kisses, soft pats, and even the sharing of his favorite toys (though Baby K can't exactly play with them yet).  I'm sure the day will come when this will change, but these simple things make me so happy.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

All Smiles

Here's what we've been enjoying the last 2 weeks...

 Hope you're all smiles too!