Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

Warning: This post contains many pictures and thus may bore even the most faithful of blog followers. However, I did cut many pictures out. If you make it to the end, thank you!

We celebrated our 10 year engagement anniversary last night. We enjoyed a great meal at a classy Thai place. We made it an official date and called in a babysitter. It was a nice change of pace from other times we've eaten out lately with Kasen. Those times usually involve hopping up every few minutes to pick up all the thrown toys, shhh-ing him from screeching and disturbing the whole restaurant, and trying to make sure everything that's meant to be on the table stays on the table (our food, drinks, dinnerware, candles, etc). In a word, it was quiet. Hard to believe 10 years flew by like that! On a side note, (and a bit of a sappy note) they have been the best 10 years of my life! So happy God brought this amazing guy into my life!

Here's our little dishwasher raider. He empties it almost faster than we do!
Dinnertime can be exhausting!
Peek-a-boo! Actually, he's trying to rip his bib off. He hates them.
Kasen playing with a friend. They always have so much fun chewing on each others toys:-) It's so cute to watch babies play together.
Trick or Treating...
Kasen and his future girlfriend. He's trying to impress her with his strong grip!
Although he seems to be pretty fascinated by this one too. Actually, he's just wondering why she's dressed like a lion.
Our little pumpkin

Trick or treating in downtown Redlands
On Cajon street by all the decorated houses.

Our pumpkin helping carve our other pumpkin
The finished product. Hard to see, but the pumpkin has 6 teeth, just like Kasen. Sure it's a little cheesy, but really, how much more creative can you get without the patterns??
He loved the gooey strings.

"Here Daddy, I'll help..."
I love how Kasen looks at Kai. I can tell he thinks his dad is the best already!

The end! You made it :-)

1 comment:

  1. Not an overload of pictures at all!! Love your little guy digging in the pumpkin!! Chace informed me he was too old for Halloween this year ("mom, I don't get the dress up, go knocking on strangers doors, asking for candy that isn't good for you, what's the point?"). I'm crossing my fingers that we aren't done with this childhood tradition just yet! Keep thinking maybe it was a hiccup! (And Grant has never liked Halloween...too scared of the "big kid scary costumes")
