Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Night of Baking and a Few Other Random Pictures

Last night I had fun making treats for a bake sale benefiting a group at the dental school. I was in a creative mood (which doesn't happen all the time) and after some thought decided instead of the traditional bake sale treats, I'd try my hand at making something a little different. I had a great time assembling these and after much sampling, and a big mess of chocolate goo, here is the finished product:
20 treats in all
A favorite Oreo layer recipe of mine

Before packaging
Step 1--Doesn't look too promising...
I just love little naked baby butt pictures! Kasen will be mad at me in a few years... ;-)
Bath time is his FAVORITE time of the day. I think if we just kept adding warm water, he could stay in all day!
He also loves computers and can shut one down completely in a matter of seconds!! Even I can't do that!

After coming home from Baby Boot Camp on Friday, Kasen thought my hat looked tasty :-) For those who don't know, Baby Boot Camp is a group of moms that meet with their babies at a local park and go running, stopping along the way to do different strength training exercises. It was a ton of fun! Here's a picture from that day:


  1. Oh, your treats look yummy!! (I'm thinking that the famous amos cc cookies in the cupboard are not going to taste as good!)

    Baby boot camp...hmmmm....if your babies are 9 and 12 do you still qualify?! snort

  2. Thanks Starla! At least all the hard work was not in vain :-) Of course you could go, but you'll just have to jog with someone with a stroller or else you'll feel a little out of place. ;-) It's actually hilarious to watch about 15+ strollers jogging down the street! LOL!

  3. It's hard to believe how big your little one is getting!!! Those treats look soooo yummy!!!!!!

  4. Hi, you might want to update the name of my blog on your list of blogs you watch as it is now Sandy Hill News. Kim has her own blog, Two People and a Dog. If you just want hers on your list that is okay too. I just thought it might possible change on its own accord with blogger, but it hasn't so you'll have to do it manually. I do enjoy checking yours from time to time. Your little man is getting so big.
