While visiting my MIL last week, I shared a secret with Kai's aunt (who is an absolutely amazing seamstress) and also with his mom and between the two of them, I accomplished one of my long time goals.
My secret was this: I have been wanting to sew a baby blanket made from fabrics that I have chosen and have it turn out really cute. I have only sewn for school projects and once as a girl I made a skirt and jacket outfit with the help of a neighbor, so I knew this would be tough. Kai's aunt gave me some great tips on what to do, what fabrics to use, and what kind of stitching to use. Kai's mom helped me pick out the fabrics and lent me her sewing machine. Also, in dental school there was another wife who always made beautiful creative baby things and I loved them. She made several burp cloths, bibs, and paci holders for K's shower. Several months ago, I saw a baby blanket she made for a mutual friend that was in my baby/mommy workout group and thought how much I would love to have one just like it someday. I don't remember much about it except that fabric on the back was so fuzzy, cuddly, and perfect for a baby blanket--and it was for a girl, so I think it had pink in it. I made a mental note that if I ever decided to take up sewing, I would try my hand at something like that (realizing that I probably would never attempt it anyway). But that is how my idea started.
So last week while visiting my MIL, I was in the fabric store with Kai's aunt's and my MIL and decided to "just look" at the different fabrics. Then I came across THE fabric!! I don't know if it was the same or not, but I loved it anyway, and thus my fantasy of sewing something beautiful began to take shape again. The next day, my MIL and I went back to the store and whole thing came together. I found a really cute pattern and some adorable gender neutral colors to use since I didn't know what we were having yet. I went back to her house and while K was napping began to cut, pin, and sew the pieces. I altered the pattern just a little because I didn't like the original center piece. I worked on it again after K went to bed and again the first thing in morning. Less than 24 hours later, my baby blanket was completed. I had no idea how easy it would be! Thanks to my MIL's sewing machine, the whole process was seamless (haha)! Thankfully the directions were really easy and even I could understand it! I LOVE how it turned out! Now I'm debating buying a sewing machine...not sure if this will be something I take up on a more regular basis.
Here are a few pictures. BTW, you're NOT allowed to make judgments because in this picture I have not showered or put on makeup. I don't even think I had eaten breakfast yet--I was on a mission ;-)
K even loved it!