Here's the progress on Kasen's room. There are several things that won't stay looking like they do now, but I haven't figured out what to replace them with yet. We can hardly wait. Today I'm 34 weeks along, so he's scheduled to arrive somewhere in the vicinity of 6 weeks from now! I can hardly believe he's almost here! He's still very active all throughout the day. Kai laughs watching my belly jump from all the hard kicks this little one can give. Maybe all babies are this active, but I have a feeling he's going to have a lot of energy:-)
Don't worry--those pictures above his crib won't stay there. First of all, we live on the San Andreas Fault and don't want them falling on Kasen, and secondly they don't really match his room. But I haven't decided on what to put there yet. I've thought of a sturdy shelf that Kai assures he can mount so it won't fall in the event of an earthquake with some little things glued on like an airplane or helicopter and some other decorative things with either name or initials, but I'm still looking around for ideas. Feel free to share yours:-)
This is actually quite a lifesaver because it offers so much extra space for things. We weren't sure if we should get it or not at first, but are really happy we did.